The Sensation associated with nasal acupuncture
I certainly remember the very first experience of inserting a needle into the thickest part of the membrane in the nasal cavity through a...
병원 가도 알 수 없는 만성통증
통증으로 이 치료 저 치료 다니면서 MRI 촬영 등 여러 가지 검사를 해도 뚜렷한 원인을 찾아 내지 못하는 경우가 있습니다. 간단하게 엑스레이 촬영 후 뼈에는 이상이 없다며 진통제를 복용하게 하는 경우도 있습니다. 이런 검사로는 특별한 이상이...
Complications of Rhinitis and Sinusitis Surgery
Observing the primary and the secondary functions of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, the most focus has been placed on their...
Revealing Another Function of the Paranasal Sinus
All the neurons in our brains transmit electrical signals. The exchange of signals generates heat. The heat could be indirectly reduced...
Defining Complete Recovery from Rhinitis and Sinusitis
Quoting from a book published by the Harvard medical school, "Healing your sinuses" might accurately depict the reality of sinusitis...

Obama may not be able to quit smoking! BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA
Barak Obama ( Male / 50 ) August 4th 1961. 19:24 W 157° 時 日 月 年 戊 丙 乙 辛 戌 午 未 丑 戊 丁 己 己 土 89 79 69 59 49 39 29 19 9 丙 丁 戊 己 庚 辛 壬 癸 甲...
Treating Rhinitis and Sinusitis: Surgery may not be the answer
Maintaining the good condition of the nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses are vital to our wellbeing. However, the most common nasal...
Time Acupuncture? The Power of Universe
The best treatment for a patient is not only the application of the correct acupuncture points according to his condition, but also the...
The Healing Power of Acupuncture
There are many fruitful ways to approach health and healing using TIME acupuncture. The traditional model of medical TIME acupuncture...

Kim Dae Jung with his lament for his "sunshine policy" of reconciliation
Dae-Jung Kim Nobel Peace Prize recipient Honeysuckle 1/8/1924 Born in Chun-nam, Shinan 8/18/2009 13:42 At 84 years of age died due to...